Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I Obtain a Building Permit?
    All permits will be issued by the Central Keystone COG, with the exception of a Accessory or Agricultural permit. That permit is issued by the Municipality. The Cog is located in Lewisburg, PA. You can obtain a Application for Plan Examination and Building Permit by calling the Township office at 570-837-2692 or by calling the Central Keystone COG at 877-457-9401 or 570-522-1326. The CKCOG can also be reached through their website at:
  2. How long does it take to get a permit and how much does it cost?
    The amount of time and cost for a permit is determined by the Central Keystone COG and Municipality respectfully. The driveway permit may be obtained by calling the office. The township roadmaster will inspect the driveway and then give the secretary permission to grant the driveway permit. There is now cost for this permit.
  3. How can I get on the agenda for the next meeting?
    You may call the office and notify the secretary you would like to be on the agenda or just by attending the meeting, when the chairman asks for public comment you may speak at that time.
  4. Who do I call regarding road maintenance needs?
    Call the roadmaster at (570) 837-2287
  5. How far back must a home or other construction be from the road?
    Set backs on constructions are 25 ft. of the right-of-way line of any public road or street on Township roadways and 50 ft. from center line on a State road
  6. Does Center Township have zoning?
    Center Township does not have zoning. However, The Central Keystone Cog needs approval from the Township Supervisor’s before issing a permit. Therefore, please request the Cog to notify the Township or you yourself can contact the Municipality at the office number or email at [email protected]